Bavaria 42' Ocean

This German built 2001 center cockpit is berthed in Alamitos Bay, Long Beach. Lynn, professor and playwright, and Mark Nelson, fire engineer and art historian, bought the boat in 2001 in Vancouver, Canada and sailed it from there to Long Beach. Since then, Convergence has plied the waters of Southern California from the Mexican border to Santa Barbara and from the Sea of Cortez back home.

The Shakedown Cruise

One would think that after all that has happened, our shakedown cruise would have been delightful.
Much of it was. The kids were with us, and we took long walks, snorkeled, swam, read, lay in the warm sunshine--all the things you would want to do from a boat at the Isthmus. Then the generator quit on us; next was the dvd player (no biggie); then the water maker; the sink clogged up; and then on the morning we were to sail home, the engine wouldn't start. Mark finally had to jump start the battery as you would on a car. Would we give it up? No way!