Bavaria 42' Ocean

This German built 2001 center cockpit is berthed in Alamitos Bay, Long Beach. Lynn, professor and playwright, and Mark Nelson, fire engineer and art historian, bought the boat in 2001 in Vancouver, Canada and sailed it from there to Long Beach. Since then, Convergence has plied the waters of Southern California from the Mexican border to Santa Barbara and from the Sea of Cortez back home.

Sailing 2016

Here it is, time to go sailing and Convergence is on the "hard," waiting for a new rudder. Seems there are a couple of electrolysis theories regarding why. The first has to do with the bottom paint touching the rudder shaft--copper in the paint and aluminum shaft=electrolysis. The other theory is that electric currents in the marina create the eating away of the shaft. I figure if that is true, then every boat in Alamitos bay would be needing a new rudder. In any case, when this boat splashes down, it will be like new again--new engine, new rudder, and all the new repairs following the Avalon disaster.
For now, just sitting on the dock by the bay, waiting.