Bavaria 42' Ocean

This German built 2001 center cockpit is berthed in Alamitos Bay, Long Beach. Lynn, professor and playwright, and Mark Nelson, fire engineer and art historian, bought the boat in 2001 in Vancouver, Canada and sailed it from there to Long Beach. Since then, Convergence has plied the waters of Southern California from the Mexican border to Santa Barbara and from the Sea of Cortez back home.

Courage, Patience, Time

"Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you've been through the tough times and you discover they aren't so tough after all," writes Malcolm Gladwell. Well, maybe for us, it is better said "...when you discover you actually made it through the tough times."
Convergence is on the mend, still in the boatyard, itching to get out. The fiberglass is finished; woodwork in progress; rails on the way. Shouldn't be too much longer!